Living in the Limbo

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17 Pills A Day Won’t Keep the Doctor Away!

So, after changing my pill regiment (from the post titled “The H. Pylori Story”), I then began the new daily routine of having the whole day structured around when I was taking my pills. 


Every morning for two weeks, I took a Pepto Bismol pill (because I’m not good with drinks) then, my 3 antibacterial medications (for the H. Pylori) and ended the morning with my Omeprazole. This was the standard unless I needed nausea medication and pain meds on top of that. 


Throughout the day, I took the 3 antibacterial medications 2 more times and, in the evening, finished with the same pill routine as in the morning. 


Needless to say, I began to hate the sound of pill bottles being opened and began to sense when it was time to take my pills without seeing a clock. 


Four days after starting the H. Pylori medication I was able to slowly get back to moving around on my own. One of my medications wasn’t coated so on about the 8th day in, I started vomiting it up because of the bitter taste.


My mom saw that the pills were safe to crush so we would put it in a clear capsule so I could stop vomiting it back up. 


The two weeks of the pill regiment went fairly well in comparison to the “hell weeks” and I was able to stand up and move around on my own by the end of the first week. 


I still had quite a bit of abdominal pain and tenderness and the swelling was still present, but we figured everything was fine since I could move again. 


Since I was feeling better, I had scheduled and gone to more normal appointments, like dentist visits. When I had gone I was told that because I was taking so many pills for such a long time, I had gotten some sort of tongue growth that required -funny enough- medication to resolve.

Afterwards, I began focusing my attention back to my foot injury which had been put on hold because of all of the abdominal issues. 


This relief from the pain unfortunately doesn’t stay away- read more on the next story titled, “Orthotics, Injections, and MRIs, Oh My”.