Back in the Norm & Prepping to Move!

March 13th, I decided to order on Amazon a pack of Smarties since it seems like they were discontinued being sold at all the stores around me.


I got them and ended up eating 4 packs throughout the day which my stomach really hated me for later in the evening.


They tasted really good and were the candy I had been searching for months for.


Late in the evening my abdomen was really swollen and painful. I wasn’t able to sleep at all because I was kept up from the pain.


My plan moving forward with the Smarties was to try and limit the amount of I was eating per day, so I didn’t flare up.


I still had trouble limiting the amount I was eating per day, and I still had 4 Smarties packs the following 2 days along with some peanut butter which resulted in my body absolutely hating me.


On March 16th I finally decided to listen to my body since I couldn’t deal with the pain, so I only had 1 Smarties pack but because I had eaten a lot over the recent days, my body got upset immediately after eating them.


I spent a lot of my free time working more on interior design proposals and design plans for the new place! I had even made a 32 paged document with planning and charts for exactly how the move was going to happen, what items needed to go where in what room, etc.


The stage manager in me was so happy.


I also began ordering some of my furniture in advance (I had it all detailed out) so they would arrive at the time that my mom was in town to help me move.


My body was still trying to heal from me still eating things, so my days were spent half in pain and the other half okay.


I also spent my time prep packing my room and the rest of the items in the house so that way (according to my moving planning document), when my mom arrived, I could utilize her to help me move boxes rather than spend that time having her help pack the boxes.


It did take a lot of energy out of me, and I often overdid it and spent time in bed because I’d cause a migraine from doing too much.


On March 19th I continued packing and then took a shower- I didn’t think it through because I would’ve done this if I wasn’t sick.


Because I had already used my energy to pack earlier in the day, I had to get out of the shower because my tremors started from using too much energy.


The following 2 days I didn’t get much sleep so the day’s I tended to be more fatigued.


March 21st, I went out on a walk which was really nice to be able to do and it was my first walk alone in a really long time.


I had to take a couple sitting breaks though because my circulation wasn’t great.


On March 22nd I woke up feeling pretty nauseous and fatigued from the walk yesterday afternoon.


Because of this, I had a lot of brain fog which made me have trouble focusing and forget things. On my way to class, I forgot which class I was walking to.


When I had gotten home, I tried to rest more to try and fix the brain fog.


 I had my nurse come change my dressing and they brought up a really great point as to what might’ve been the cause to my odd reactions to chocolate from a year ago. They said that since my reaction to chocolate was a vasovagal syncope attack, they said I might’ve had some sort of cardiological issue with it. Since chocolate is a stimulant and has caffeine, it could’ve been the reason I’ve had odd reactions.


In my classes we were beginning to do more creative projects which I really enjoyed and gave me the opportunity to draw again. I actually ended up writing down one of the instructions for one of the design projects and continued doing it at home in my free time for fun.


The following days I continued packing and preparing for my mom to arrive in town to help me move into the new apartment!

Read how the move goes in, “Moving Apartments, Turning 20, & Making Decisions”.


Moving Apartments, Turning 20, & Making Decisions


Small Sips Still Equals Big Flares