Are there meta-analysis’ of catheter related infections, enteral related infections, and infections resulting in sepsis from other causes unrelated to EN/PN feeding?

For this latest research topic I wanted to research in a larger scope into the infection rates between different methods.

- I specifically wanted to look into sepsis infection rates in parenteral nutrition patients using central venous catheters,

- enteral nutrition patients using gastric tubes, (G, J),

- and other sepsis infection rates as a result of other conditions unrelated to EN or PN feeding.

A lot if times as a PN user, we are told the high infection risks associated with CVCs. There are lots of data proving that the longer you have in your CVC, the rate of infection goes up. But how does this rate of infection compare across other forms of nutrition and infection from other causes?


What quality of life research is available for those on long term TPN?